The 37th edition of the International Optimist Team Race (OTC) will take place at Lake Wannsee, Berlin, Germany from October 16th (registration) to 19th (finals and price giving ceremony) 2025.

Use this form if you only want to register a team at the moment to assure a starting slot and will provide all the team details at a later time point.

Team Data OTC 2025

Enter team data

  • Team Data

Team Data

Represented by

Entry fees are 400,00 € for a team of 4 sailors and 500,00 € for a team of 5 sailors. For registration and payment of entry fees until the September 15th, 2025, reduced rates of 320,00 € for a team of 4 sailors and 400,00 € for a team of 5 sailors apply.

  • The entry fee shall be paid to the bank account of the Potsdamer Yacht Club e.V. at
  • Beneficiciary: Potsdamer Yacht Club e.V.
  • Name of bank: Berliner Volksbank
  • IBAN: DE56 1009 0000 20070140 00
  • Reference: OTC2025, {Country}, {Team Name}

Charter for ribs will be 125.00 EUR/day (gasoline 2.00 EUR/l and deposit of 200.00 EUR). Please indicate wishes for charter ribs in the detailed registration form.

Charter optimists can be booked directly with Winner optimist or Newblue.